When to get the best deals on holiday flights
It may feel as though summer just ended, but like it or not, the holidays are just around the corner! That means it’s time to start planning for holiday travel. It’s no secret that airlines look forward to these peak travel times and often raise airfare to capitalize on the increased traffic. If you’re already stressed about purchasing your flights for the holidays, you’re in luck! Orbitz just released their annual holiday insider survey which details when to get the best deals on holiday airfare. (Survey results based on 2014 travel data). THANKSGIVING: If you’re planning on spending turkey day out of town, the best time to book a flight is TOMORROW, October 6th…SO HURRY! CHRISTMAS: There may still be 80 days until Christmas, but that doesn’t mean you should procrastinate on purchasing airfare…or gifts! According to Orbitz, the best day to book flights for Christmas is Friday, October 9th. NEW YEARS: Planning on ringing in 2016 abroad? Then you’ll want to book your flight ASAP! The best day to purchase new years airfare is this Saturday, October 10th. Do you have any tips for snagging discounted airfare? Share your comments below! PIN IT!